Legacy wagon features

Think it says we do not want these performance versions are missed in the domestic market, in other words, Spartak Lucan the wagon bring the country has a big gift. In transplant wind from south sides Subaru Legacy has been one of the players heart love, fall into various turbo boxer machine Legacy seems to be considered recovered the true identity. However Legacy wagon there is another level of play, thanks to the wagon GT1749V turbocharger and born to the perfect physique, wagon walking route is first class appearance.

Aesthetic normal people a little bit, I mean, a little a little bit more open and international standards, and will not refuse wagon of the United States. We often joke that the world ugly sedan to add a butt will become beautiful. wagon United States in his slender, just like the girls always stand tall legs inside the kind of feel. wagon as well as a hatchback like Smart, hatchback tailgate to let his "long" and limousine "long" distinguish wagon given moment there is a good move gene want to tear the air. It is almost all have common characteristics wagon Audi TT 1.8T turbocharger, Legacy wagon turn these features further head play. Legacy factory is still so beautiful, plus Miki numerous small mind after that? This is what you see.
